Water Security

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Our Courses

Provision of Clean Water

South Sudan is suffering from a water crisis. Although Sudan has suffered from water scarcity for decades, it’s descent back into war after the country split has further exacerbated this. The constant conflict within South Sudan has left the country’s water systems neglected or destroyed. Unclean water is the source of all ailments.

As an initial solution, we have drilled small boreholes as an immediate help for the community members. We however, need to do more like drilling bigger bore holes that would also be used by the community members for domestic use and those for the animals. In addition, the water will also be used for irrigation in achieving the food security goal.

In addition to lack of clean water, the community also faced healthcare crisis. Lack of healthcare facilities and reliance of traditional medication approaches, the community faces a highly mortality rates. As such, provisison of quality healthcare services is yet another area that GEPO focus in enhancing a healthy society.

The images below show of the actual situation that the vulnerable community members have to undergo in the their search for water for domestic use, which, in most cases is shared between animals and humans, thus not safe for consumption and the little we have done like drilling boreholes, though that is not sufficient yet.

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